Apex Flame is a tool for profiling Salesforce applications by visualizing the information in debug logs.
Apex Flame runs entirely within your Salesforce org.
Quickly identify where time is being spent in your Salesforce applications. Identify code paths executing many SOQL queries.
Drill down into a flame graph to explore details.
Search for and highlight events within the debug log.
Use chronological view to follow a specific execution path, or toggle to collapsed view to identify time-consuming functions called repeatedly.
Load logs directly out of Salesforce org, upload existing debug logs, or execute anonymous Apex to generate new logs.
Identify the source of performance bottlenecks.
Identify the sequence of events leading up to exceptions or other errors.
Identify SOQL/SOSL Queries or Apex statements causing governor limits to be approached or exceedded.
Illustrates the relationship between Visualforce pages, Apex classes, triggers, workflow rules, and Process Builder flows.